(2)论文 :公开发表学术论文20余篇,代表性论文有
[1] Exploring Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of Social Media on Knowledge Sharing. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2016,93(2).(Scopus检索).
[2] An analysis of knowledge sharing behaviors in requirement engineering through social media. In 2015 9th Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (MySEC) (pp. 93-98). IEEE.(2015年,EI检索).
[3] Design and Analysis of Teachers-Students Teaching Communication System Under the Credit System Taking Hebei university for example》, BMEI2011(EI检索,会议),2011年5月(第一作者).
[4] A Research on University Teachers’Information Use Behavior Analysis Model Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing(EI检索,会议),2012年4月,(第一作者).